Knowledge Exchange

N8 PRP funded a number of collaborative projects and events to support Knowledge Exchange across the partnership, resulting in significant impact on policy and practice. 

N8 PRP Training and Learning Research Project

Dr Cheryl Simmill-Binning, Lancaster University, investigated police training and learning to identify best practices, current challenges, and future needs for policing partners. The project also investigated what resources are available through N8 academic partners and how beneficial partnerships between police and academics can be strengthened.

N8 PRP Training and Learning Research Project

ENABLE – Football Policing

Geoff Pearson and Clifford Stott worked with 6 forces and the College of Policing to identify and develop best practice in policing domestic football. Officers were trained in observational research to review match-day operations. The report (Policing Jan 2018), finds current approaches increase the risk of public disorder, recommending changes to risk assessment, dialogue, and focusing on supporters’ rights.

Enabling an Evidence Based Approach to UK Football Policing

Empowering Data Specialists in Policing

In 2018 and 2019, the N8 PRP’s Data Analytics and Training and Learning strands delivered an ambitious Continuous Professional Development programme to two cohorts from 11 North of England forces.  The programme sought to make a practical step towards the digital transformation of policing by providing a foundation in essential data science methods and emergent technologies in machine learning and predictive analytics. Two reports were produced, one evaluating the programme short after delivery and a second evaluating the impact of the programme a year later. Further work is planned in this area. 

2018: Programme Review

2019: Impact Evaluation & Monitoring