The 2024 Annual Report looks at the achievements of the past year and plans for 2025. The N8 Policing Research Partnership has published its Annual Report for 2024. Developing Partnerships The report has a foreword by Sir Andy Marsh, Chief Operating Officer of the...
Category: News
Dr Ellen Reeves announced as new NRiPN Director
Dr Ellen Reeves, Lecturer in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at the University of Liverpool, has been appointed as the new Director of the New Researchers in Policing Network (NRiPN). NRiPN was established by the N8 Policing Research Partnership in 2021. It...

N8 PRP Announces New Funding Call
Applications are open for research projects prompted by the N8 PRP Police Research Priorities. The Policing Priority Grants are research awards providing pump-priming funds for collaborative, targeted research into high-priority areas, new challenges, and pressing...
N8 PRP Appoints Ben Ewart as Policing Co-Director
Det. Supt. Ben Ewart takes over the role as N8 PRP begins new phase of operationsThe N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8 PRP) has appointed Detective Superintendent Ben Ewart as its new Policing Co-Director, from October 2024.Ben is Head of Training and Student...

Launch of Manifesto to Prevent Gender Based Violence: A 10 Year Vision
Academics from Durham University and University of Central Lancashire have launched a 10 year vision on how to prevent gender-based violence. The manifesto, copied below, aims to influence the UK policy agenda on preventing gender-based violence, with the ambition of...

Call for Police Participants for Research on Harm Prevention, County Lines, and Uniforms
Three new projects at the University of Liverpool seek participants for research on police uniforms, harm prevention when policing illicit substances, and multiagency working in county lines policing. Police Uniforms Survey Is your uniform comfortable? Is it...

Report recommends shift in priorities, ten years on from Clare’s Law
N8 PRP Small Grant Holders have identified 5 key issues for the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme. A new report from University of Liverpool’s School of Law and Social Justice, in partnership with University of Central Lancashire, examines ten years of Clare’s...

N8 PRP Announces New 3 Year Phase, Seeks New Policing Co-Director
The N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8 PRP) has announced a new 3-year phase, starting 1 October 2024. The new phase has been made possible through the continued support of the N8 Research Partnership universities and the 11 police forces across the north,...

N8 PRP Announces New Events and Registration Discount for Major Drugs Conference
The N8 PRP Drugs Policing Conference, Policing Markets, Policing People, will take place at the University of Manchester, 1-2 July 2024. N8 Policing Research Partnership has announced new additions to the Drugs Policing Conference Programme, and a discount for all...

N8 PRP Publishes Annual Report 2023
The N8 Policing Research Partnership has published the annual report for 2023. With a foreword from Serena Kennedy KPM, Chief Constable for Merseyside and NPCC Head of Prevention, the report reviews N8 PRP activity of the past year across Knowledge Exchange, Research,...