Policing Innovation Forum 2021: Effective Partnerships in Policing

The sixth Policing Innovation Forum took place online over in May-June 2021. Bringing together key academics, police, and other stakeholders, three events considered question, ‘How can police work with academia, business, health care providers, and each other to better serve their communities?’

Full Report

Day one: what works in police partnerships?

The session was chaired by Professor Joanna Shapland, Edward Bramley Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Sheffield, and moderated by Dr Geoff Pearson, Academic Co-Director of N8 PRP. The programme, with speakers from HMICFRS, North West Policing Divers Unit, and US and UK academia, attracted plenty of attention with 77 people logging onto the event, with c.50 attendees from UK police forces. The high level of engagement from UK police is a testament to the commitment to developing evidence-based policing and effective partnerships across the UK, and to the ability of N8 PRP to create networks that enable that development. 

Day One


Police-police partnerships

Police-academic partnerships

G. Alpert, J. Rojek, K. Mclean

Joanna Shapland

Partnerships in the context of vulnerability

Day two: partnering up against cybercrime

On Thursday 27 May the event was chaired by Justin Partridge, Postgraduate Researcher at Leeds University Business School and Visiting Fellow at the Open University Centre for Policing Research and Learning, and introduced by Dr Geoff Pearson, Academic Co-Director of N8 PRP.

The programme looked at the strategy and practice of policing business-related cybercrime, drawing on a wide range of experience in fraud prevention, business resilience, and cybersecurity research and policing. All of the speakers are involved with the North East Business Resilience Centre, an innovative non-profit organisation that brings together national financial institutions, academic expertise, and businesses to develop cyber safety for businesses and customers.

Day Two


Justin Partridge

Brian Dilley

Mandy Haeburn-Little

Biju Issac

Day three: public health and police partnerships

When health and policing overlap it’s because of a crisis. How can police develop better partnerships with healthcare professionals so the aims of law enforcement and public health are better aligned?

Dr Matt Bacon from the University of Sheffield chaired presentations from police and public health practitioners to consider how police can work more effectively with public health partners to tackle harm reduction, violence reduction, and drug-related deaths.

Day Three


Harm Reduction

David Thomason and Dan Jones

Violence Reduction

C. McFarlane, A. Greenwood, M. Parker

Drug-related deaths