N8 PRP Conference 2020

Policing vulnerabilities and the future of police-academic partnerships

To mark the end of the 2015-2020 Catalyst Grant, in November 2020 N8 PRP held a two-day conference showcasing the research and impact of the past 5 years, and reflected on the theme of partnership in policing diverse forms of vulnerability.

Conference Report


The 2020 Conference explored the challenges that confront implementing innovative and evidence-based reforms in policing. It focused on policing diverse forms of vulnerability in which the police work closely in partnership with other organisations. The forum showcased work from the N8 partnership and reflected on experiences in the UK and elsewhere on implementing police/academic partnership to foster research and the knowledge base. The second day focused on identifying and exploring the new challenges for research informed and evidence-based policing in the face of shifting vulnerabilities and changing demands. Workshops covered subjects including: Policing Covid-19, data analytics, policing vulnerabilities, policing futures and learning lessons through research co-production.



  • Mike Cunningham, CEO College of Policing
  • Gloria Laycock, University College London
  • Tom Gash, Institute for Government
  • Rick Muir, Director of the Police Foundation
  • Liz Aston, Napier University & Director of the Scottish Institute of Policing Research
  • Nicole Westmarland, Durham University
  • Nick Pole, College of Policing
  • Ngaire Waine, Merseyside Police
  • Geoff Pearson, University of Manchester
  • Adam Crawford, University of Leeds


Welcome and Keynotes


Nic Pole

Steve Krysak

N8 PRPĀ LessonsĀ 

Research Showcases

Small Grant Projects

Video titles link to the relevant Small Grant page.


Research building on N8 PRP work

ENABLE: Innovation in match-day policing

Whole-systems response to policing violence

Police legitimacy, leadership and governance

Policing domestic abuse during the pandemic