N8 PRP Publishes Annual Report 2023
The N8 Policing Research Partnership has published the annual report for 2023.
With a foreword from Serena Kennedy KPM, Chief Constable for Merseyside and NPCC Head of Prevention, the report reviews N8 PRP activity of the past year across Knowledge Exchange, Research, and Development.
The report marks 10 years since N8 PRP was founded, and documents the continuing spirit of innovation and collaboration across the partnership.
The work of the N8 PRP is essential to the provision of good quality academic research that will help shape the future of policing.
Serena Kennedy KPM, Foreword to the N8 PRP Annual Report 2023
N8 PRP Knowledge Exchange events attracted 370 attendees from 84 organisations, and delegates at the 2023 Policing Innovation

Professor Iyiola Solanke speaking at the N8 PRP Policing Innovation Forum 2023. Stuart Walker Photography 2023
Forum gave an insight into the impact of knowledge exchange events. Two major conferences have been announced for 2024: Preventing Gender Based Violence Conference, Leeds, 18-19 March, led by UCLAN and Durham, and the N8 PRP Drugs Policing Conference, Manchester, 2 July.
Findings from 3 Small Grant research projects have been published, with a further 6 reports due for publication in 2024 – including the new Policing Priority Project.
Northumbria Police regards the N8 PRP partnership as crucial to developing contemporary research insights into priority areas of policing.
Jo Ishida and Anu Watson, Northumbria Police contribution to N8 PRP Annual Report 2023
The NRiPN (New Researchers in Policing Network) offered a range of support to members, including 3 Excellence in Policing Research webinars and a Research Away Day, hosted by Merseyside Police.
Dr Nikki D’Souza (Northumbria University) and Dr Donna Marie Brown (Durham University) introduce the North East Policing Research Network, which was inspired by and has been supported by N8 PRP, demonstrating a recognition of the value of the N8 PRP model and the success of the partnership in building collaborative academic-police relationships.
The report also includes profiles of policing research at the N8 universities, and contributions from police partners assessing the impact of N8 PRP. This highlights the value of N8 PRP activity so far, and the many opportunities for new collaborations, research projects, knowledge exchange, and professional development.
GMP’s drive to become a more evidence-based organisation has been enhanced by our involvement in the N8 Policing Research Partnership.
Annabel Straw, Greater Manchester Police contribution to N8 PRP Annual Report 2023
The report is available for download from the N8 PRP Reports page.

Ch Sup Ngaire Waine (Merseyside Police), Nick Glynn (IOPC) and DCC Paul Thomas (NPCC) answer questions at the N8 PRP Innovation Forum 2023. Stuart Walker Photography 2023.