Announcement of new ‘policing domestic abuse’ research list

by | Mar 5, 2019 | 0 comments

There has been a lot of activity throughout different strands of the N8 PRP Catalyst project related to domestic abuse, including small grants, conferences, and staff and PGR exchanges.

Given this, and the desire for longevity in terms of the outcomes of the current programme of work, Prof. Nicole Westmarland and Dr Kelly Johnson (Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA) and Durham University) have established a new listserv for academics, police (officers and staff), and policing partners, to use to exchange knowledge to positively impact on the policing of domestic abuse.

To join the list, follow this link and click the ‘subscribe’ button.

A launch event is planned for later in the year, for which further information will be circulated.